Oh Emma where do I start? Welcome precious little one to the Floyd family! You are already loved by so many people. I wanted to get this down so I don't leave a single detail out when you're old enough to read this. WARNING - Long post ahead.....
You have been a pretty easy pregnancy for your mommy. She got a sick a few times, but nothing major. She has been blessed to know what a easy pregnancy is.
Your mom had been over at your daddy's house on Friday, September 14th. Your mom and I had been exchanging texts back and forth that afternoon and evening. She was hurting and she didn't know if she was in labor or not because she never has been in labor before, and your Gigi had both your mom and Aunt Harley by c-section. At around 9 or 9:30 that night, I told your mom that I wanted to come and get her. We would decide then if we needed to go to the hospital or not. In my gut, I thought this was it as I crossed over 430. When I picked your mom up, it was obvious she was hurting and was crying. I thought this IS the real thing! We headed to Baptist Hospital.
We got your mom checked in and they started checking her and monitoring her. I had started calling and texting everyone to give them a heads up. Your Aunt Mimi (Gigi's best friend Misty) was SUPER excited and wanted to come to the hospital, even though 1) it was close to midnight and 2) we weren't sure if your mom was going to be admitted or not. Aunt Mimi didn't care she was coming regardless. Your mom would cry when a contraction came on and would sit up in the bed for me to rub her back. Then as soon as it was over she was fine and you wouldn't know she was in labor.
Aunt Mimi got to the hospital and the waiting game began.
Your Aunt Mimi
And waiting is what we did. Your mom was dilated to a 2. You have to be a 4 to be considered active labor and to be admitted. At 1:00 in the morning on Saturday, September 15th, the nurse had checked your mom and she was barely a 3. Your mom was going to be discharged to go home.
Your mommy & Gigi
We three were so disappointed. Aunt Mimi and I started watching the screen and your mom was contracting at least every 5 minutes. She was in a lot of pain during those contractions. An hour later the nurse came in to discharge your mom and Aunt Mimi started questioning the nurse on how would we know she was in active labor when your mom was having them every 5 minutes and in a lot of pain. Aunt Mimi said "Can't you check her again?" And the nurse said it was up to your mom and your mom said sure. Well luckily your Aunt Mimi is so vocal! The nurse checked her and she was at a 4!! The game was on! Aunt Mimi & I squealed with delight because you were on your way. It was also 2 in the morning, but we were all wide awake again.
We got your mommy settled in her labor room and they started the medicenes to get her going. Your mom had tested positive for Group Strep B and all that is, is you could've gotten pneumonia when born if your mom didn't get special meds in her before your arrival. Your mom texted your daddy that he needed to come on up to the hospital. It was still going to be waiting game. I had texted your Grand God Mom Teresa that your mom was being admitted. Well she was on her way up to hospital because she was now wide awake and excited, and again it was 2 in the morning!!!
Grand God Mom Teresa
Aunt Mimi & Grand God Mom Teresa are your Gigi's best friends. I've known Teresa since 6th grade and Misty since 7th grade. I have been through everything with both these girls. They are the best friends that any girl would be lucky, and the ones you want on your side. I'm very lucky to have both of these girls in my life. They mean so very much to me. Not to mention, they absolutely love your mom. They absolutely love you as well!
Gigi at 2 or 3 in the morning
Around 4 in the morning, your sweet mommy braved the epidural. As her mommy, I worried about her during this process. I, as her mother, wanted to take the pain process away from her. I knew she would be fine after she got the epidural, but it still worried me. You see, your mommy is still my baby, no matter how old she is. Just like you'll always be your mommy's baby no matter how old you are.
Not a great pic, but here's your mom waiting on you just like the rest of us.
We're excited to meet you baby girl!!!
Love, Gigi
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