Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Birthday Party for a Friend

Today we went to Tiffany's little boy's first birthday party.  Tiffany is one of my girls from Teen Mops.  She has a little boy named Nathanial.  He is such a cutie.  I snapped a picture of you and him.

How cute is that!  He's 12 months, and you are 3 months here in this pic. 

He got to do his smash cake and was so cute with his blue nose.

I can't wait until your first birthday and watch you dig into your smash cake.  It will be here before we know it.  On the other hand, I don't want you to grow too fast, nor your birthdays to come too fast.  I want to savor each moment with you.

Love, Gigi

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Your First Christmas

Merry 1st Christmas Emma!  What a joy it is to share your first Chritmas with you!  I still can't believe you're here and I can't believe all the blessings that we have received.  I can't wait to share with you the Christmas birth story of Christ. 

Here is one of the pictures of you and Santa.  Grandpa Grandy, mommy, and daddy took you for this one.

Too cute for words!!!  Here's a couple of pics of you from this morning.  You have no clue what is going on, but I have a feeling you will next year!  :)  Can't wait to see that!

You seemed to like this little toy you got.   

We also received our first snow that was 10 inches!!!!  We haven't had this since the 80's, or so I am told.  What else did you bring with you Emma?  We also were without electricity, so no fancy Christmas dinner.  We struggled with what to do, what was right, and so forth.  We were on our way to stay at your Great Nanny's and Great Poppa because they had electricity at that point.  We had almost made it to the freeway, and notice the local businesses were getting power back on.  So we headed back home and we had power!  Such a lovely sight!  We decided to have pizza since it was late.  Wow Emma!  Welcome to your first Christmas!

Love, Gigi

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Tonight I was cutting coupons and I could hear you in your mom's room.  Each time I heard you I thought you were getting ready to cry.  Usually you make little noise when you talk to us, and that's why I thought you were tuning up to cry.  WRONG!!

Emma you have discovered your voice and realize you can make LOTS of noise!  You sounded so cute and adorable.  I had to note this for you so you will know how old you were.  :)

Love, Gigi

Saturday, December 15, 2012

3 Months Old

Emma, Emma, you're 3 months old today!!!  You are getting to be such a fun girl!  You constantly smile, you love watching the ceiling fans, lights on the Christmas tree, and cooing.  You have discovered your hands.  They are constantly in your mouth and you drool like crazy.  In the picture below, I had a hard time getting because you discovered your feet.  You are so much fun right now.  We recently put in you a bouncy walker and you absolutely love it.  It's fun watching you learn new things.  When your mommy walks up to you, you light up with the biggest smile for her.  I know you love your mommy.  She's such a good mommy to you.  I'm excited to see what you'll do in the next month!  We won't have stats for you until your 4 month check up.  Of course Christmas is coming and I'm so excited to share this holiday with you!  Your first Christmas!

You have gotten a little bigger since your last picture at 2 months.......  :)

Oh Emma, you bring so much joy to my life!

Love, Gigi

Friday, December 14, 2012


While Gigi was taking your picture for 3 months, you discovered your feet!  I kept trying to set you up and you wanted to keep looking at your feet.  I love watching you discover new things.  So much fun!

Also, you love your jump a roo.  You have discovered the toy that spins and makes lots of noise!  You're getting to be such a big girl!

Love, Gigi

Friday, November 23, 2012

Simply Sweet

We were coming up in the elevator and I couldn't resist taking a cute picture of you with your bow.  No other words are needed.  :)

Love, Gigi

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Today was your first Thanksgiving!  While I was busy cooking and preparing the meal for everyone, I decided to put you in your bumbo seat.  I love this sweet picture of you holding the big spoon I gave you.  You usually like to sit in the bumbo or your bouncer while I cook. 

You're getting so big!  This year you weren't able to eat, but next year, you'll get to sample a little.  You'll be a little over a year old.  WOW!

Happy Thanksgiving little one!  Here's to many more!

Love, Gigi

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Road Trip!!

Emma, you took your first road trip with us.  You were so good on the way down to Gulf Shores.  :)

Gigi Driving
You either slept or ate on the way down.

Here is your mommy on the road trip.

And your two aunts, Harley & Ashley.

My favorite picture from the road trip, is when we stopped to grab some lunch from Whataburger.  I kept trying to get a picture of you smiling, because you were in such a good mood!  This was as good as I could get.

"Mom, I'm tired of looking at Gigi with the camera!"
Ha ha!  Too cute!

You did so good Emma on the ride down.  I just pray you do the same on the way back.  :)

Love, Gigi

Thursday, November 15, 2012

2 Months Old!

Emma-Rose you're two months old!!!  I can't believe it sweetie!


Weight:  10 lbs. 8 oz. (42nd percentile)

Height:  24 in. (96th percentile)

Head:  15 1/2 in. (68th percentile)

You are so much fun this month!  You're smiling and cooing.  You have such good control of holding your head up.  You are tracking things with your eyes.  You got your first set of shots yesterday and ran a little fever last night.  :(

You love watching tv with your Peepaw.  You both get so engrossed in your shows together.  I will have to get a picture of that.

Mommy says you're sleeping from about midnight to 7 in the morning or later.  :)  You are such a happy baby.  You don't like the car being still when we have to stop.  You love the classical music for babies CD in the car.  You are drinking 5 ounces or more at each feeding.  You're getting ready to go on your first trip to Gulf Shores.  :)

Can't wait to see what this next month brings Emmy!

2 month picture

1 month picture

What a change in 1 month!!  :) 

Love, Gigi

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Future Is So Bright!!

You, your mom, and I went shopping at Target last night.  I actually had to pick up a prescription.  I always have to go look in the baby area, even if I'm not buying you anything.  I'm wanting to get you some sunglasses for our upcoming trip to the beach.  Your mom and I put these on you and you were so cute!!!  Your future is so bright you gotta wear shades!!!

Love, Gigi

Monday, November 5, 2012

Cute Hat!

Today you looked sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!  But when do you not look cute????  You are seven weeks as of Saturday.  You're growing and getting smarter and so much fun.

Your momma had you dressed so cute today with your hat and your little shoes.  Wish I would've gotten a whole outfit picture.  We leave for your first trip to the beach in two weeks!!!  I can't believe it, and can't wait!  You'll be 2 months old and you're already traveling.....  :)

I love you sweet girl!

Love, Gigi

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Your Love for Peepaw

I think Peepaw is a little crazy about you sweet girl.  You and him got to have a week-end without Gigi around.  You like to watch TV with Peepaw and you love when he talks to you.  You and him share special fist bumps.  Yes sweet girl, you have a man that is crazy about you besides your daddy, and the Lord of course.  I think you have Peepaw wrapped around your little finger. 

This is such a sweet, sweet picture of you two!  Yes you have made your place in your Peepaw's heart.  You're one lucky girl, he's the best guy to have in your corner, and a soft place for you to fall when you need someone.

This picture melts my heart.  Your little hand in his big hand!  Sweet blessing!

Love, Gigi

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween 2012

Happy Halloween!!! We decided that you would just celebrate that it was your first Halloween, by wearing a onesie stating "Baby's First Halloween". Of course we had to have some bling, so a big flower with a diamond jewel in the center. This is my front patio area and I thought it would be cute having you sit in the scarecrow's lap.


I think you are the cutest little pumpkin in the world! Aunt Harley & I took you to visit a friend and that was about the extent of your Halloween. Next year will be even better!!!

And because you're so stinkin' cute, one more picture!

Happy 1st Halloween Emma-Rose!  And may there be many more.

Love, Gigi

Monday, October 22, 2012

Play Time

Gigi decided that you needed a playmat.  You are just over a month old, but maybe soon you'll get the whole entertaining yourself down.

I made sure to take pictures of you.  I hope to capture all your firsts.  That way when it's your first birthday we will have pictures GALORE from your first year.  At least the monthly pictures I take of you.

See you're still too little, but at least you noticed the toys.

Love, Gigi

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You & Your Daddy Rock!

Oh Emma, you have such a precious daddy.  At the moment, he plays in a band for Dear Karma.  Seems like music is his talented gift.  He plays the drums, like nobody's business, and he can play the electric guitar and so forth.  I had to post these pics. I think they are absolutely precious!  

I especially love the expression on your daddy's face below.  Rock on dude!

Love, Gigi

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One Month Doctor Appointment

Today was your one month doctor appointment.

Your Stats:

Weight: 8 lbs. 9 oz. (Wow your weight jumped! 1.7 lbs) 

Height:  21 3/4"

Head:  14"

You're growing baby girl!!!

 You had to get a shot today.  I had hoped to distract you by giving you your bottle.  You were doing good, and the nurse sticked you and it was over!!!!  Your mom and I just about cried for your pain.  I think mom finally understood that as a parent you wish you could take away your child's pain.  You get your first full set of shots next month.  Lord help us and be with us.  I promise we'll go get ice cream afterwards!  At least mom and I will need it!

Poor baby!  First shot and boo boo!

Love, Gigi

Monday, October 15, 2012

One Month Old!

Emma girl!  You're one month old today!  :)

I plan on taking your picture each month next to your pink bear.  That way we can see how much you've grown each month. 

Here you are at birth:

You've already changed so much!  We love you sweet girl!

Love, Gigi

Friday, October 12, 2012

Party Girl

You're so loved and popular that you got invited to a birthday party already.  In fact it was a Sweet 16 birthday party, for my best friend Teresa's daughter, Kayla.  Teresa is your Grand-Godmom.

We had you all decked out with your Halloween gear.  It was a costume party.  Your little shirt had pumkins and said Pick Me.  And of course you had to have bling with your flower.  :)

So as I was saying this is your Grand-God mom Teresa.  Yes I know, a little scary!  HA!  Just kidding.  She had gotten these gooky eyeballs, and I had to take a picture of her. 

This is your Grand-God dad Ken.  He as well was participating in the fun.  One more of Teresa.

Gigi and her little pumpkin.  :)

You and your Aunt Harley.  She's so crazy about you.  She took care of you most of the night at the party so I could help Teresa & Ken.

Your Aunt Ashley was with us as well.  She was being funny below.  That's a balloon under her hoodie.  :)

This is Teresa's daughter Brianna.  This is Kayla's sister.

Ah, here's your Grand-God momma Teresa.  Her normal self.  How sweet it is for me to see this picture.  She loves you so very much!

A picture of you and your Grand-God dad Ken.  Ken is his normal self in the picture too.  He too, is crazy about you.

No doubt about it Emma, you had a good time, and you were so good.  You are so loved by many people.  You are a sweetie!

Love, Gigi

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Doctor Appointment

Today was your first doctor appointment. 

Your Stats:

Weight:  7 lbs. 2 oz. (You've gained 2 ounces since we left the hospital.)

You go to All For Kids, and your doctor is Dr. Marsha Salman.  She's very nice, and she makes your momma feel like a momma.  She always speaks directly to your mom and I like that. Here's a picture of her so you can see what your doctor was like later on.

And of course I had to get a picture of you and your momma at the doctor's office.

Proud momma

Love, Gigi

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Labor - The Waiting Game

Oh Emma where do I start?  Welcome precious little one to the Floyd family!  You are already loved by so many people.  I wanted to get this down so I don't leave a single detail out when you're old enough to read this.  WARNING - Long post ahead.....

You have been a pretty easy pregnancy for your mommy.  She got a sick a few times, but nothing major.  She has been blessed to know what a easy pregnancy is.

Your mom had been over at your daddy's house on Friday, September 14th.  Your mom and I had been exchanging texts back and forth that afternoon and evening.  She was hurting and she didn't know if she was in labor or not because she never has been in labor before, and your Gigi had both your mom and Aunt Harley by c-section.  At around 9 or 9:30 that night, I told your mom that I wanted to come and get her.  We would decide then if we needed to go to the hospital or not.  In my gut, I thought this was it as I crossed over 430.  When I picked your mom up, it was obvious she was hurting and was crying.  I thought this IS the real thing!  We headed to Baptist Hospital.

We got your mom checked in and they started checking her and monitoring her.  I had started calling and texting everyone to give them a heads up.  Your Aunt Mimi (Gigi's best friend Misty) was SUPER excited and wanted to come to the hospital, even though 1) it was close to midnight and 2) we weren't sure if your mom was going to be admitted or not.  Aunt Mimi didn't care she was coming regardless.  Your mom would cry when a contraction came on and would sit up in the bed for me to rub her back.  Then as soon as it was over she was fine and you wouldn't know she was in labor.

Aunt Mimi got to the hospital and the waiting game began. 

Your Aunt Mimi

And waiting is what we did.  Your mom was dilated to a 2.  You have to be a 4 to be considered active labor and to be admitted.  At 1:00 in the morning on Saturday, September 15th, the nurse had checked your mom and she was barely a 3.  Your mom was going to be discharged to go home. 

Your mommy & Gigi

We three were so disappointed.  Aunt Mimi and I started watching the screen and your mom was contracting at least every 5 minutes.  She was in a lot of pain during those contractions.  An hour later the nurse came in to discharge your mom and Aunt Mimi started questioning the nurse on how would we know she was in active labor when your mom was having them every 5 minutes and in a lot of pain.  Aunt Mimi said "Can't you check her again?"  And the nurse said it was up to your mom and your mom said sure.  Well luckily your Aunt Mimi is so vocal!  The nurse checked her and she was at a 4!!  The game was on!  Aunt Mimi & I squealed with delight because you were on your way. It was also 2 in the morning, but we were all wide awake again.

We got your mommy settled in her labor room and they started the medicenes to get her going.  Your mom had tested positive for Group Strep B and all that is, is you could've gotten pneumonia when born if your mom didn't get special meds in her before your arrival.  Your mom texted your daddy that he needed to come on up to the hospital.  It was still going to be waiting game.  I had texted your Grand God Mom Teresa that your mom was being admitted.  Well she was on her way up to hospital because she was now wide awake and excited, and again it was 2 in the morning!!!

Grand God Mom Teresa

Aunt Mimi & Grand God Mom Teresa are your Gigi's best friends.  I've known Teresa since 6th grade and Misty since 7th grade.  I have been through everything with both these girls.  They are the best friends that any girl would be lucky, and the ones you want on your side.  I'm very lucky to have both of these girls in my life. They mean so very much to me.  Not to mention, they absolutely love your mom.  They absolutely love you as well! 

Gigi at 2 or 3 in the morning

Around 4 in the morning, your sweet mommy braved the epidural.  As her mommy, I worried about her during this process.  I, as her mother, wanted to take the pain process away from her.  I knew she would be fine after she got the epidural, but it still worried me.  You see, your mommy is still my baby, no matter how old she is.  Just like you'll always be your mommy's baby no matter how old you are.

Not a great pic, but here's your mom waiting on you just like the rest of us.

Your heart rate and your momma's heart rate.

Mommy and Daddy holding hands.

Around 6 or 7 in the morning what other way to keep awake and celebrate your upcoming birthday?  Gigi loves her Starbucks.  Today was Pumpkin Spice Mocha.  YUM!!!

We're excited to meet you baby girl!!!

Love, Gigi