Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Birthday Party for a Friend

Today we went to Tiffany's little boy's first birthday party.  Tiffany is one of my girls from Teen Mops.  She has a little boy named Nathanial.  He is such a cutie.  I snapped a picture of you and him.

How cute is that!  He's 12 months, and you are 3 months here in this pic. 

He got to do his smash cake and was so cute with his blue nose.

I can't wait until your first birthday and watch you dig into your smash cake.  It will be here before we know it.  On the other hand, I don't want you to grow too fast, nor your birthdays to come too fast.  I want to savor each moment with you.

Love, Gigi

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Your First Christmas

Merry 1st Christmas Emma!  What a joy it is to share your first Chritmas with you!  I still can't believe you're here and I can't believe all the blessings that we have received.  I can't wait to share with you the Christmas birth story of Christ. 

Here is one of the pictures of you and Santa.  Grandpa Grandy, mommy, and daddy took you for this one.

Too cute for words!!!  Here's a couple of pics of you from this morning.  You have no clue what is going on, but I have a feeling you will next year!  :)  Can't wait to see that!

You seemed to like this little toy you got.   

We also received our first snow that was 10 inches!!!!  We haven't had this since the 80's, or so I am told.  What else did you bring with you Emma?  We also were without electricity, so no fancy Christmas dinner.  We struggled with what to do, what was right, and so forth.  We were on our way to stay at your Great Nanny's and Great Poppa because they had electricity at that point.  We had almost made it to the freeway, and notice the local businesses were getting power back on.  So we headed back home and we had power!  Such a lovely sight!  We decided to have pizza since it was late.  Wow Emma!  Welcome to your first Christmas!

Love, Gigi

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Tonight I was cutting coupons and I could hear you in your mom's room.  Each time I heard you I thought you were getting ready to cry.  Usually you make little noise when you talk to us, and that's why I thought you were tuning up to cry.  WRONG!!

Emma you have discovered your voice and realize you can make LOTS of noise!  You sounded so cute and adorable.  I had to note this for you so you will know how old you were.  :)

Love, Gigi

Saturday, December 15, 2012

3 Months Old

Emma, Emma, you're 3 months old today!!!  You are getting to be such a fun girl!  You constantly smile, you love watching the ceiling fans, lights on the Christmas tree, and cooing.  You have discovered your hands.  They are constantly in your mouth and you drool like crazy.  In the picture below, I had a hard time getting because you discovered your feet.  You are so much fun right now.  We recently put in you a bouncy walker and you absolutely love it.  It's fun watching you learn new things.  When your mommy walks up to you, you light up with the biggest smile for her.  I know you love your mommy.  She's such a good mommy to you.  I'm excited to see what you'll do in the next month!  We won't have stats for you until your 4 month check up.  Of course Christmas is coming and I'm so excited to share this holiday with you!  Your first Christmas!

You have gotten a little bigger since your last picture at 2 months.......  :)

Oh Emma, you bring so much joy to my life!

Love, Gigi

Friday, December 14, 2012


While Gigi was taking your picture for 3 months, you discovered your feet!  I kept trying to set you up and you wanted to keep looking at your feet.  I love watching you discover new things.  So much fun!

Also, you love your jump a roo.  You have discovered the toy that spins and makes lots of noise!  You're getting to be such a big girl!

Love, Gigi