Monday, October 22, 2012

Play Time

Gigi decided that you needed a playmat.  You are just over a month old, but maybe soon you'll get the whole entertaining yourself down.

I made sure to take pictures of you.  I hope to capture all your firsts.  That way when it's your first birthday we will have pictures GALORE from your first year.  At least the monthly pictures I take of you.

See you're still too little, but at least you noticed the toys.

Love, Gigi

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You & Your Daddy Rock!

Oh Emma, you have such a precious daddy.  At the moment, he plays in a band for Dear Karma.  Seems like music is his talented gift.  He plays the drums, like nobody's business, and he can play the electric guitar and so forth.  I had to post these pics. I think they are absolutely precious!  

I especially love the expression on your daddy's face below.  Rock on dude!

Love, Gigi

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

One Month Doctor Appointment

Today was your one month doctor appointment.

Your Stats:

Weight: 8 lbs. 9 oz. (Wow your weight jumped! 1.7 lbs) 

Height:  21 3/4"

Head:  14"

You're growing baby girl!!!

 You had to get a shot today.  I had hoped to distract you by giving you your bottle.  You were doing good, and the nurse sticked you and it was over!!!!  Your mom and I just about cried for your pain.  I think mom finally understood that as a parent you wish you could take away your child's pain.  You get your first full set of shots next month.  Lord help us and be with us.  I promise we'll go get ice cream afterwards!  At least mom and I will need it!

Poor baby!  First shot and boo boo!

Love, Gigi

Monday, October 15, 2012

One Month Old!

Emma girl!  You're one month old today!  :)

I plan on taking your picture each month next to your pink bear.  That way we can see how much you've grown each month. 

Here you are at birth:

You've already changed so much!  We love you sweet girl!

Love, Gigi

Friday, October 12, 2012

Party Girl

You're so loved and popular that you got invited to a birthday party already.  In fact it was a Sweet 16 birthday party, for my best friend Teresa's daughter, Kayla.  Teresa is your Grand-Godmom.

We had you all decked out with your Halloween gear.  It was a costume party.  Your little shirt had pumkins and said Pick Me.  And of course you had to have bling with your flower.  :)

So as I was saying this is your Grand-God mom Teresa.  Yes I know, a little scary!  HA!  Just kidding.  She had gotten these gooky eyeballs, and I had to take a picture of her. 

This is your Grand-God dad Ken.  He as well was participating in the fun.  One more of Teresa.

Gigi and her little pumpkin.  :)

You and your Aunt Harley.  She's so crazy about you.  She took care of you most of the night at the party so I could help Teresa & Ken.

Your Aunt Ashley was with us as well.  She was being funny below.  That's a balloon under her hoodie.  :)

This is Teresa's daughter Brianna.  This is Kayla's sister.

Ah, here's your Grand-God momma Teresa.  Her normal self.  How sweet it is for me to see this picture.  She loves you so very much!

A picture of you and your Grand-God dad Ken.  Ken is his normal self in the picture too.  He too, is crazy about you.

No doubt about it Emma, you had a good time, and you were so good.  You are so loved by many people.  You are a sweetie!

Love, Gigi