Thursday, January 17, 2013

4 Months Old

Sweet Emma!  You are 4 months old!!  How has time flown by so fast?  So far, this has been my favorite.  You are REALLY active and wanting to hold things and curious about everything.  You are determined to out do everything that is mentioned in What to Expect Baby's First Year.  You turned 4 months on 1/15/2013, and you were due for shots that day at the doctor's office, but all of a sudden we had sleet, rain, ice and snow.  No one was expecting it. I didn't feel safe taking you to the doctor, so I decided we would all head home.  I didn't want to take a chance on your precious little life. 

Today was the dreaded doctor appointment.  You sure were smiling at the doctor and hamming it up.  You didn't know that she was not the one who was going to give you your shots. Poor baby.  They were shocked that you were sitting like you were in the pic.  Not a full sit up position yet, but you're doing pretty good!


Weight:  14 lbs 1 oz (60th percentile)

Height: 25" (77th percentile)

Head:  16 3/8" (68th percentile)

You had to get 2 shots again today, plus drink the other stuff like you did the first time.

Your momma was given the go ahead to let you try oatmeal/rice cereal mixed with your formula in a bowl.  We then can start introducing baby food vegetables and after we go through those we can do the fruits and so on. 

You are so much fun Emma!  I can't wait to see what the next month will bring!

And as always I have to include your month before pic so we can compare.  You're getting so big!

Love, Gigi

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Laughter In the House

Emma, you laughed for the first time tonight!!  One day after you turned 4 months old.  I had just read on the What to Expect Baby, and it was saying 4 months is where most babies will start laughing.  It was just a little chuckle, but it was the most precious little chuckle.  I just couldn't get over it!  I've been ready to hear you laugh for a while.  :)  I hope we get to hear it more and more.  I don't have a picture to go with this post, but I wanted to note it on here of when you did your first laugh.  You are such a happy baby!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Car Rides

Nothing major going on, but I wanted to note somewhere about how you are in car riding.  Most of the time you sleep or look around, but for some reason you know when we're heading home and you start crying.  Your mom and I cannot figure out why.  You love loud music and even classical.  You can not stand for the car to sit idle too long. 

I hope you'll enjoy going bye bye soon without much crying.  HA! What else can you expect from a 3 month old.

This picture is a little old.  You fill up the car seat now.  I will have to update to a new picture soon of you in your car seat.

Love, Gigi

Friday, January 4, 2013

First Cold

Poor Emma, you got your first cold.  You've had a runny nose, and a little cough.  Peepaw even got you some special tissues with lotion.  :)  So hard to know what to do for you, since you're only 3 months old.

We feel so bad for you.  Peepaw said if he could he would take your cold for you.  Your little nose has just kept running and running.  Doesn't seem to stop at all except when you sleep.  Even in your eyes you can see you don't feel good.

Poor baby.  I hope you get to feeling a lot better soon.

Love, Gigi

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Emma, you sure do know how to melt my heart.  Peepaw caught this picture of us, and I plan to print it and put it in the frame he got me for Christmas that has a poem.  The poem made me cry and continues to do so because it's how I feel and what I hope for us.  You make me smile all the time, and emotional. :)
My Gigi's Smile!

Cradled in your arms,
Your smile shone down on me.
Wrapped in your love,
I knew who you must be.
Your smile bragged to all,
How you loved me so.
Each time you spoke my name,
Your face wore a Gigi's glow.
Your smile is my welcome mat,
We greet in shared delight.
We play like pals for hours,
Parting hugs are teary-eyed and tight.
Your smile is the icing,
That makes my young life sweet.
Snacking cake before dinner,
Secret bedtimes are our treat.
Your smile is my sunshine,
Even on a rainy day.
You find each ray of happiness,
Fading frowns away.
You've given me a treasure,
A way to hold you close.
Your smile and all it brings,
Will be what I remember most.

So very true!  I can't wait until you get a little older so we can snack cake before dinner, and the secret bedtimes will be the joy of my heart. 

I love you sweet Emma!

Love, Gigi

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Visit & First New Year

Poppa Steve came for a visit.  It's also your first new year!  Welcome to 2013 Emma!  Can't wait to see what this year brings for you and our family.

I didn't get any pictures of New Year Eve's night before, but I did snap a sweet one of you and Poppa.

I'm so thankful that your Great-Grandpa gets to know you while you are young.  I hope he will be around for a lot more of your life.

Love, Gigi